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The Early Adopter Pass

The Wreckt Early Adopter Pass is a limited-edition offer for players who want to be among the first to experience the game and gain exclusive perks and benefits.

Description: Holders of this pass get exclusive perks

Price: 0.2 ETH

Total supply: 500

Please review our terms & conditions before proceeding with your purchase.


  • 🔥VIP Access to exclusive MAP zones 🔥
  • 🔥Eligible for Royalty payout 🔥
  • 🔥DISCOUNT on future nft releases 🔥
  • 🔥Access to restricted discord channel 🔥
  • 🔥Entitlement to future airdrops 🔥
  • 🔥free access to The Hot Sands area 🔥
  • 🔥Access to private events 🔥