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Not every region found itself in the direct line of fire, and thus were spared the most direct impacts of the war. Although, given the lingering effects that the destruction brought with it after, some would wonder whether their immediate survival was a blessing or a curse.A once tropical jungle was spared from the bombs and battles of WWIII, as it was sparsely populated and considered of little strategic value. In the months following the war, the shade of its branches and abundance of fruits made it a popular destination for survivors seeking shelter from the wasteland. However, what was once viewed as salvation quickly became a hell. First, the frosts came. A change in the climate caused the tropical landscape to become bitter and frozen. Then, the mutations. Instead of being killed by the sudden change in environment, the radiation on the wind allowed life inside the jungle to rapidly adapt to the new situation. Everything from the trees to the animals grew thicker, heartier, and more dangerous. The fruits became too hard to eat and shade became a dangerous place where mutated creatures could hide and wait to ambush. The people there needed to change as well or perish. Gathering the old-world weapons, they forged themselves places of warmth and safety. They are few and far between, and the only way to safely get between these shelters is inside one of their frost-treading vehicles. Gathered fruit too hard to eat is turned into fuel while the population lives on the meat of mutants and the small number of greens that can be gathered in the month of relative warmth each summer, when the frosted ground softens just a bit. They are tough people who do not back down and have learned to adapt to anything. The reliance on vehicles and drivers meant that those who controlled the vehicles had power, and is often the case, those in power always seek more of it. They became the region’s warlords, demanding service in exchange for the safety and usefulness their vehicles provide. And one of the first things they did with these new followers was attempt to claim some of the warmer lands outside the forest where old world resources still remained to be claimed. This would bring them into conflict with the other bands of survivors. The harsh conditions of the jungle made it impossible for the other warlords to launch effective counter attacks on the Kilfrost, but so too did the shattered landscape make it tough for the jungle dwellers to gain any real ground. Not one to quit, they were quick to volunteer to participate when the Demolition Race was proposed. Their drivers are promised the warmest places at the hearth and the biggest pieces of meat if they can bring home a victory to the Kilfrost.

Hearthroot is a city located in a frozen jungle and is home to the Kilfrost faction. The city is said to be built beneath a giant Aztec temple, which adds to its ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The city is surrounded by dense, frozen jungle and is made up of a series of shelters or strongholds built to withstand the cold temperatures and other challenges of the region. The people of Hearthroot are known for their toughness and adaptability, and are skilled at scavenging and hunting the mutated creatures that roam the jungle. Overall, Hearthroot is a unique and formidable city, shaped by the harsh realities of life in a frozen jungle.

Capital: Hearthroot

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Kasimiri Killfrost, a legendary warlord. He leads the Killfrost faction, who live in a frozen jungle which bears his name. Krasimir is said to have a fierce disposition and a deep understanding of warfare, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. He rose to power in the aftermath of World War III and led the Killfrost faction into one of the most powerful and feared groups in the region. His reign lasts for many years and he has become a legend in his own right. Many still speak of Krasimir with awe, a testament to the power and influence he holds to this day.

Racial Traits

AdaptabilityPhysical toughness
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The Monowheel is a type of frost-treading vehicle used by the Kilfrost faction. The monowheel is a large, single-wheeled vehicle that is designed to navigate the challenging terrain of the frozen jungle. It has a sturdy, reinforced frame to protect its occupants from the harsh elements and the possibility of attack from mutated creatures. The monowheel is powered by a combination of fuel and kinetic energy, allowing it to travel long distances without needing to constantly stop and refuel. It is equipped with a variety of tools and weapons to help the driver defend it selve and gather resources. The monowheel have room for supplies and equipment, making it a vital part of the Kilfrost's survival in the frozen jungle.

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