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In the years before the war, a group of academics studying chaos theory came to predict the end of the world. They predicted with a 83.3636%(repeating) that the world would face annihilation within the decade. When their findings fell on deaf ears, they decided to take their survival into their own hands. Through study of global patterns, destructive potential of common weaponry, and the predicted fallout of the unleashing of a nuclear arsenal, they calculated that their greatest chance at survival was on the heights of a certain mountain range. They undertook a laborious process of bringing supplies to restart society up there, a task that proved fruitful when their predicted apocalypse came to pass. In the early years after the war, their goal had been a noble one: to use the supplies they had gathered to aid the survivors in rebuilding. However, whenever one of them descended from the peak with supplies, they would inevitably be accosted by the growingly desperate and anarchic peoples. Anger and contempt grew among the academics at the ‘commoners’ down below them. First, they had ignored their warnings, and now they denied their aid. They decided to abandon the noble cause in favor of a new one: a new society built right there on the mountains that favored academics and reason above all else. It was only after they constructed their observatories, and their libraries, and their hydroponic gardens, that those down below began to make their way up the mountain to seek shelter. But any who lacked a degree in a ‘useful’ field would be turned away, violently if need be. Attacks on their society were pointless, as the mountains provided natural defenses, in addition to the upgrades to their own weapons they had performed.Life in the society wasn’t all pleasant, though. Everyone was expected to contribute to the growing of their academic base. Children needed to perform well enough on their evaluations to be deemed ‘of potential’ or they would be cast from the mountain to live among ‘the savages.’ Researchers who works did not lead anywhere would find themselves facing punishments including starvation and torture, to help ‘motivate’ them. On the reverse side, those that provided the biggest breakthroughs reached king- like status among their kind, making them the leaders of their new world.One constant source of strain for the society is the lack of new raw materials. Though experts at repurposing things, they find themselves far from any of the regions where they could conduct salvage, thus restricting their growth. They learned about the Demolition Race and saw it as a prime opportunity to win some much-needed resources from the savages. They are confident with their brilliance that their vehicle will reign supreme. Although they are underestimating the ferocity, experience, and fighting spirit of their opponents remains to be seen.

The Peak 1 Observatory is a place where knowledge and reason are highly valued. It is built on the heights of the mountain and is surrounded by natural defenses, making it difficult for outsiders to gain access. The city is organized around the pursuit of knowledge and research, with a number of buildings dedicated to these pursuits, including observatories, libraries, and laboratories. The streets of the city are straight and well-maintained, with clear markings and signage to help residents and visitors navigate their way around. The city's defenses include a combination of natural features, such as cliffs and rocky terrain, as well as upgraded weapons and other technological measures. These defenses are visible to outsiders, with watchtowers and other structures in place to monitor for potential threats.

Capital: The Peak 1 Observatory

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Dominic AKA "The Shadow", warlord of the High Society. He is a skilled strategist and leader, with a strong sense of loyalty to his fellow members of the High Society. He is a tough and uncompromising leader, but also fair and just. He has a strong moral code, and will go to great lengths to protect his people from external threats.He is respected by his followers, who are willing to follow him into battle without hesitation. Despite the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world, Dominic is a forward-thinking leader who is always looking for ways to rebuild and improve upon the society he leads.He is determined to create a better future for his people, no matter what obstacles stand in his way.

Racial Traits

AdaptabilityPhysical toughness
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The Hotroad is designed for high-speed travel on rough or rugged terrain, such as dirt roads or off-road tracks. They have large, sturdy tires and a robust suspension system to handle the bumps and jolts of rough terrain. Hotroads come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on their intended use. They could be small, agile vehicles suitable for navigating narrow trails, or larger, more powerful vehicles designed to tackle tougher terrain. They are be equipped with a range of advanced features, such as four-wheel drive, advanced navigation systems, and specialized lighting or communication systems to help the driver navigate challenging conditions. Overall, hotroad vehicles are tough, durable vehicles designed to handle the rigors of off-road travel.

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