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Mutations caused by the radiation being carried throughout the world were common in the years following the war. For many, these led to death, for others, pain and suffering causing a slow descent into madness. The latter became known as ‘ghosts,’ the remnants of someone long dead. They would roam in packs violently attacking anything that moved and became one of the biggest dangers to those scavenging in formerly populated areas. Not all mutated peoples lost their minds, though. Some, through willpower and pain tolerance, managed to maintain their humanity. However, this did not change the fact that they outwardly appeared much like the ghosts, with their skin pale white and rotting in places, and it was common for them to be attacked on sight. To survive, they began to migrate in the places furthest away from the old-world cities, and a group of them would eventually find refuge in a perpetually dark swamp. A cloud of ash covers the sky here, ensuring that even during the day only slivers of light break through. This makes the swamp cold and miserable, but not unlivable. And, more importantly, the darkness helps shroud its people from seeing what they have become. They became a society of survivalists, gathering moss and other plants that grow in the dark and fishing from the bottom of the lakes, aided by the fact that they no longer need to breathe. Over the generations, their descendants also would gain an uncanny night vision, further increasing their hunting and gathering potential. They were fine living this way for a while, until one generation began to get angsty about their situation. Why should they be forced to live in the darkness just because others deemed them monsters? Why should they not be allowed to live in the lands of their grandfathers and great grandfathers, and partake in the bounty there, instead of living like animals foraging for every meal? Eventually, the settlement grew, until raid groups were formed to ascend back to the world of the living. With their superior strength and constitution, they were able to overwhelm many of their neighbors, despite having little in the ways of technology themselves at first. They would take that from their vanquished rivals and make it their own, considering it by right theirs for having so long been denied. This would include the vehicles. They would form a makeshift caravan of all manner of different claimed vehicles from different societies, often barely held together due to their lack of understanding on how to maintenance them. Like their occupants, the makeshift fixes have made their vehicles surprisingly durable. They learned of the Demolition Race and saw this as a chance to prove to the world that they are more than just monsters. Perhaps while taking some much-desired revenge at the peoples that had so long shunned and hunted them.

Shadow Glades is a city that is built in the midst of a swamp. It is a city of darkness, shrouded in shadows most of the time, due to the ash cloud that covers the sky. The city is cold and miserable, but it is still livable. The buildings are constructed using traditional building techniques, and are made out of wood, stone, and other materials that are readily available in the swamp. The streets of are narrow and winding, and are often flooded due to the high water levels in the swamp. Despite this, the people of Shadow Glades have learned to adapt and have built their homes and buildings on stilts, to keep them above the water. The city is well-defended, with high walls and gates that keep out unwanted visitors. The people of Shadow Glades are always on the lookout for threats, and they have developed a system of lookout posts and sentries to keep the city safe.

Capital: Shadow Glades

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Lady Katalina, she is the warlord of the Hidden Swamps. She is a strong and wise leader, revered by her people for her courage and her ability to make difficult decisions quickly and effectively. She has lead her people through many difficult times, and has kept them safe in the face of danger. She is known for her skill in battle and for her ability to think strategically. Her past is shrouded in mystery, but it is believed she was once the wife of a warlord of a neighboring faction, who has worked her way up the ladder to become a leader of her own people.

Racial Traits

Unnaturally strong and durableNight VisionWillpower and pain tolerance
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The swamp buggy is a vehicle that is favored by the people of the Hidden Swamp. It is a rugged and durable vehicle, designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the swamp. It is built on a sturdy frame, with large wheels that are able to navigate through the muddy and uneven terrain of the swamp. The swamp buggy is powered by a powerful engine, which allows it to travel at high speeds through the muddy water and over rough terrain. It is also equipped with powerful headlights, which help the driver to see in the darkness of the swamp. It is a reliable and sturdy vehicle, and it is well-suited to the harsh conditions of the swamp.

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